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The international conference  "Geometric Topology, Art, and Science" will be  held in Reggio Emilia (Italy) on June 9-10, 2023, with a premeeting in Modena on June 8, 2023.
The conference is jointly organised by the Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics (FIM) and the Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering (DISMI) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the institution of the Reggio Emilia site and the foundation of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, as well as of the70th birthday of Luigi Grasselli, full professor of Geometry at DISMI.

The conference focuses on recent advances in Geometric Topology, with a particular attention to combinatorial descriptions of 3- and 4-manifolds (branched coverings, knots and braids, trisections, colored graphs, etc…), as well as to the interactions with other disciplines, ranging from physics (with the theory of random tensors) to geometrical aspects in classical and contemporary art.  

Main speakers include
• Bruno Benedetti (University of Miami)
• Alessia Cattabriga (University of Bologna)
• Antonio Costa (UNED, Madrid)
• Massimo Ferri  (University of Bologna)
• Luca Lionni (University of Heidelberg)
• Josè Maria Montesinos Amilibia (Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de España)
• Daniele Zuddas (University of Trieste)

The conference will also host a poster session.

During the preliminary event (which will take place in Modena on June 8 afternoon, at the Department FIM) young researchers presenting a poster will give short talks on their own research.  On that occasion, ample room is provided for discussion and informal interaction in order to facilitate the scientific exchange between participants.

More information can be found at the webpage 

Both the Conference Poster  and the Poster of the outreach event (10 June 2023, afternoon) are available.  


Detailed programme

Thursday June 8th (FIM Department, aula M1.1)

15.00: Valentina Bais (SISSA – Trieste) "Spin Structures on Pseudo-Riemannian Cobordisms"

15.15: Clemens Bannwart (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) "Barcodes for gradient-like Morse-Smale vector fields on surfaces"

15.30: Giuseppe Bargagnati (Università di Pisa) "Simplicial volume of manifolds with amenable fundamental group at infinity"

15.45: Federica Bertolotti (Scuola Normale Superiore – Pisa) "Two integral invariants of manifolds"

16.00-16.30: Coffee break and discussions

16.30: Paolo Cavicchioli (Università di Bologna) "An algorithmic method to compute plat-like Markov moves in genus two 3-manifolds"

16.45: Riccardo Martini (INFN – Pisa) "Trisections in colored tensor models"

17.00: Alice Merz (Università di Pisa) "An equivariant version of the Alexander and Markov theorems"

17.15: Celeste Damiani (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia – Genova) "Congruence subgroups of braid groups and crystallographic structures"

17.30-18.00: Discussions


Friday June 9th  (Aula Magna Manodori, Reggio Emilia)

9.30:  Greetings and Opening Remarks

10.15: Coffee break

10.45: Bruno Benedetti (Univ. di Miami) “2-LC manifolds are exponentially many

11.30: Daniele Zuddas (Univ. Di Trieste) “Constructions of branched coverings in dimension four

12.15: Alessia Cattabriga (Univ. di Bologna) “A tour into Dunwoody manifolds

13.10-14.45: Lunch buffet  (poster session beginning at 14.00)

14.45: Luca Lionni (Univ. di Heidelberg) “Colored triangulations in random geometry and random tensors

15.15: Roberto Ladu (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn) "Protocorks and exotic 4-manifolds"

15.45:  Diego Santoro (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) "L-spaces, taut foliations and fibered hyperbolic two-bridge links"

16.15: Coffee break (poster session continuing)

16.45-18.45: Guided visit of the civic museums of Reggio Emilia

20.00: Social dinner


Saturday June 10th (Aula Magna Manodori, Reggio Emilia)

10.00: Antonio Costa (UNED, Madrid) “Mathematics in art and art in mathematics

10.30: Massimo Ferri (Univ. di Bologna) “Data, science, mathematics

11.00: Coffee break   (poster session continuing)

11.30: Andrea Spaggiari (UniMORE) “Mechanical Metamaterials: a bridge between topology and engineering applications

12.00: José Maria Montesinos (Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Madrid) “From Gauss to Sforza: the volume of the hyperbolic tetrahedron

12.30: Poster award

The second half of the day is open to the general public and talks will be given in Italian

15.30: Roberto Orosei (INAF, Bologna) “But where is everybody?

15.50: Franca Manenti Valli (Membro emerito Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Antiche Province Modenesi) “Il battistero di Pisa. Un percorso matematico per la restituzione del progetto originario”

16.10: Roberto Marcuccio (Biblioteca Panizzi, RE) “I tesori matematici della Biblioteca Panizzi fra arte e scienza”

16.30: Federico Giudiceandrea (M. C. Escher Collection - Maurits S.r.l. and Microtec) “Escher e la geometria del triangolo”

17.00: Round table

18.00: Conclusion